MANDOMBE (UNKNOWN UNION)  Mandombe was created to be a universal phonetical graphic writing system and it is still being used Kinshasa to this day. It has been argued that this writing system was deliberately designed to reflect the belief systems,
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 OLMEC  Since 1938 when the first African stone head was discovered in Mexico, a number of heads were also excavated together with the other artifacts of seemingly African origin, and the debate ensured as to the ethnic origins of the civilisation th
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 UU - UNKNOWN UNION  [uhn-nohn] [yoon-y uh  n]  noun   Johannesburg, South Africa - October 2019    Collaboration with Cape Town based brand  UNKNOWN UNION s unique clothing collections.  “In comparison to the ancients, we stand like dwarves on the s
 MANDOMBE (UNKNOWN UNION)  Mandombe was created to be a universal phonetical graphic writing system and it is still being used Kinshasa to this day. It has been argued that this writing system was deliberately designed to reflect the belief systems,


Mandombe was created to be a universal phonetical graphic writing system and it is still being used Kinshasa to this day. It has been argued that this writing system was deliberately designed to reflect the belief systems, symbols and cosmography of broader Bentu-Kongo culture, which incorporate similar geometric principles.

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SONIA BLACK-59-new.jpg
 OLMEC  Since 1938 when the first African stone head was discovered in Mexico, a number of heads were also excavated together with the other artifacts of seemingly African origin, and the debate ensured as to the ethnic origins of the civilisation th


Since 1938 when the first African stone head was discovered in Mexico, a number of heads were also excavated together with the other artifacts of seemingly African origin, and the debate ensured as to the ethnic origins of the civilisation that left this mark.

SONIA BLACK-92-new.jpg
SONIA BLACK-125-new.jpg
 UU - UNKNOWN UNION  [uhn-nohn] [yoon-y uh  n]  noun   Johannesburg, South Africa - October 2019    Collaboration with Cape Town based brand  UNKNOWN UNION s unique clothing collections.  “In comparison to the ancients, we stand like dwarves on the s


[uhn-nohn] [yoon-yuh n] noun

Johannesburg, South Africa - October 2019

Collaboration with Cape Town based brand UNKNOWN UNIONs unique clothing collections.

“In comparison to the ancients, we stand like dwarves on the shoulders of giants.” — Bernard of Chartres

featuring model SoniaBlack